Like the pledge drives say, this program is made possible by support from viewers like you. If you enjoy the content we are putting up, PLEASE head on over to our Patreon page and consider a monthly donation. ANY amount is welcome and appreciated, but we do have some perks available for folks who really step up with support, not the least of which is being mentioned here in the credits.
(Anonymous donations are also accepted)
(Anonymous donations are also accepted)
Friend of Flicks |
Producer |
Executive Producer |
Studio Mogul |
1 |
5 |
10 |
25 |
per month |
per month |
per month |
per month |
With ANY dollar amount donation, you can request a specific film (new or old) be reviewed for each month of your donation. Listed on our website as a Friend of Flicks. |
With a FIVE dollar MONTHLY donation, you can request a specific film (new or old) be reviewed for each month of your donation. Listed on our website as a Producer. |
With a TEN dollar MONTHLY donation, you can request a specific film (new or old) be reviewed for each month of your donation. Your name will appear in the credits of every Flicks With Friends production, as well as on the website as an Executive Producer. Other perks for this tier to be named later. |
With a TWENTY-FIVE dollar MONTHLY donation, you can request a specific film (new or old) be reviewed for each month of your donation. Your name will appear in the credits of every Flicks With Friends production, as well as on the website as one of our Studio Moguls. Other perks for this tier to be named later. |
Executive Producers
Brittany Granger, New Jersey
Mel Stewart, Kansas
Friends of Flicks
Adam Smith, Kansas
Bob Bishop, Montreal Canada
Carrie Dexie, Arkansas
Candy McFigment, Nevada
Eirynne Gallagher, Texas
Holly McMiller, Wisconsin
James Medina, Kansas
Katrina Stewart, Kansas
Kristina T., Port Syracuse
Patrick Truitt, Washington
Rick Zinn, Kansas
Bob Bishop, Montreal Canada
Carrie Dexie, Arkansas
Candy McFigment, Nevada
Eirynne Gallagher, Texas
Holly McMiller, Wisconsin
James Medina, Kansas
Katrina Stewart, Kansas
Kristina T., Port Syracuse
Patrick Truitt, Washington
Rick Zinn, Kansas