We Love Movies
Flicks With Friends aims to bring you insightful and fun film and entertainment commentary without the nerd rage (mostly) prevalent on most sites nowadays.
Hosted by filmmaker and podcaster Shaun Collins (a veteran of over 25 years of jockeying a video store counter) each episode brings a new topic and a rotating group of friends to the couch to discuss. We also offer up our opinions on the latest movies with our spoiler free, two (ish) minute movie reviews. |
January 2025
Once again, dear movie lover, I must ask for your patience and indulgence. While Flicks With Friends occupies a LARGE amount of my time its not the end all be all of my life. And life, as most of us know, moves in mysterious and unpresidented ways. My father passed recently, and in addition to the normal upheaval an event like that causes in the mundane matters of paperwork and logistics, there's a sizeable emotional upheaval as well.
My relationship with my dad was... complicated. And a lot of it--even the stuff we'd resolved--would not fall into "water under the bridge". But I still loved him, and did get the opportunity to reconcile with him before the end. Looking back at his life as we clean up his appartment, going through belongings and photos, it's easy to see how he influenced me. My knowledge of classic rock came from his keen ear, my disdain of cars and car dealerships arose from many a Sunday spent cruising through those lots, trapped in the boring backseat while he droolled and dreamed of something other than his current ride.
Once again, dear movie lover, I must ask for your patience and indulgence. While Flicks With Friends occupies a LARGE amount of my time its not the end all be all of my life. And life, as most of us know, moves in mysterious and unpresidented ways. My father passed recently, and in addition to the normal upheaval an event like that causes in the mundane matters of paperwork and logistics, there's a sizeable emotional upheaval as well.
My relationship with my dad was... complicated. And a lot of it--even the stuff we'd resolved--would not fall into "water under the bridge". But I still loved him, and did get the opportunity to reconcile with him before the end. Looking back at his life as we clean up his appartment, going through belongings and photos, it's easy to see how he influenced me. My knowledge of classic rock came from his keen ear, my disdain of cars and car dealerships arose from many a Sunday spent cruising through those lots, trapped in the boring backseat while he droolled and dreamed of something other than his current ride.
But there were also movies. Dad worked as an usher (back when we had such things) at the Gage 4 Theatre in town (back when THAT was such a thing). It was at this small, 4 screen box that we saw Superman first take flight, Indiana Jones Raided the lost ark of the Covenant, James Bond skied down a mountain on a broken snowmobile to the Beach Boys California Girls, and of course, my beloved Star Trek. We witnessed the refit Enterprise take on V'ger in The Motion Picture, saw a favorite Vulcan die in Wrath of Khan, and be ressurrected in Search For Spock. Not every film was a theatre going experience, I remember my introduction to plenty of classics on VHS and HBO. But those usually came from the years when he wasnt an immediate part of the family. The ones at the Gage hold special residence.
December 2024
As we close in on both the end of the year and 4200 Letterboxd reviews, we want to take a moment to thank all of you for supporting us and finding some value in what we do. Either as a Patreon supporter, or just a loyal follower. You are the grease to our wheels, the justification to our beliefs, and often, our reason for getting up in the morning.
September 2024
Spooky season is just around the corner, and we continue to try and get caught up from all the various forms of illness that have lingered over this summer. We hit 4100 Reviews posted to our letterboxd account, and things continue to move along. Not well exactly, but move along they do.
One thing has should help is my sister podcast Traveling The Vortex has decided to call it quits. We had a great run, with almost 600 episodes to our credit over thirteen years. I am hopeful that this will free up some small nugget of time to redirect this way. We'll see how that goes.
As always, thank you for your continued support. Be kind to one antoher!
One thing has should help is my sister podcast Traveling The Vortex has decided to call it quits. We had a great run, with almost 600 episodes to our credit over thirteen years. I am hopeful that this will free up some small nugget of time to redirect this way. We'll see how that goes.
As always, thank you for your continued support. Be kind to one antoher!
July 2024
Greeting Programs!
Sorry for the delay, but I have been LITTERALLY left speechless. Had a bad sinus infection that stripped me of my vocal accumen (on Juneteenth) accompanied by a dry hacking cough. Well that turned into Strep throat, the repeated coughing gave me a partially collapsed lung AND a bruised/cracked rib, before turning into a bronchial infection from hell. I have JUST recovered some of my voice, now a month later, and have gone from sounding like Wheezy from Toy Story 2 to Barry White. Which means I should be able to record some new reviews this week (Fingers Crossed).
In other news, Reggie the Lord of 4K has gifted us a few new takes on physical media, and our Letterboxd profile continues to grow. Hang in there with us!
Sorry for the delay, but I have been LITTERALLY left speechless. Had a bad sinus infection that stripped me of my vocal accumen (on Juneteenth) accompanied by a dry hacking cough. Well that turned into Strep throat, the repeated coughing gave me a partially collapsed lung AND a bruised/cracked rib, before turning into a bronchial infection from hell. I have JUST recovered some of my voice, now a month later, and have gone from sounding like Wheezy from Toy Story 2 to Barry White. Which means I should be able to record some new reviews this week (Fingers Crossed).
In other news, Reggie the Lord of 4K has gifted us a few new takes on physical media, and our Letterboxd profile continues to grow. Hang in there with us!
May 2024
We were recently afforded the opportunity to be a guest (again) on Gold Standard-The Oscars Podcast, talking about my favorite movie of all time, The Abyss: Special Edition. I know I just did a Retro Review for it, but since DJ Nik and friends were kind enough to have me on, I have listed that review on the new review page as well. (Audio, so the format may look a bit different than our normal Retro Review.) And of course, you can find more of thier brand of awesome over here.
Due to circumstances beyond our control, the March Movie Madness contest resulted in a busted bracket before it began. We appologize to everyone who was looking forward to this event, and promise to try again next year.
In much happier news, we continue to get caught up on our back log of reviews that need recorded and posted, and even have some new episodic material in the works finally. And, THIS week we will surpass FOUR THOUSAND reviews on our letterboxd page.
Thank you all for the continued suppoort!
Due to circumstances beyond our control, the March Movie Madness contest resulted in a busted bracket before it began. We appologize to everyone who was looking forward to this event, and promise to try again next year.
In much happier news, we continue to get caught up on our back log of reviews that need recorded and posted, and even have some new episodic material in the works finally. And, THIS week we will surpass FOUR THOUSAND reviews on our letterboxd page.
Thank you all for the continued suppoort!
January 2024
Another year, another bout of crippling anxiety and depression. We say this not to illicit sympathy, though we certainly welcome it, but to say aloud in solidarity with so many others that yes, we have some issues and its okay to admit that things are not quite "fine."
And as we celebrate our 7th anniversary this year, we really want to focus on our love of movies, because the silver screen is largely responsible for keeping us around. I don't mean that as a euphemism, I am sincere when I say the darkness had gotten me so down that I contemplated the unthinkable, and it was the magic of the movies that stopped me. The thought of the upcoming Dune Part 2. Or discovering another wonderful surprise like The Holdovers. Or wondering if Marvel could right the MCU ship. And the thought of NOT being here for those and so many other things...
Well, we're still here. We are narrowing in on 3900 reviews in text, audio and video format posted on our Letterboxd page. (Click HERE to see them all!) We are gearing up for the Oscars. We are energized, and refuse to be defeated by a silly thing like a chemical imbalance. We are behind in our postings, but we are posting. (Thanks to our Patreon members for their patience and for sticking with us.)
As always, thanks for all your support, we love you!
And as we celebrate our 7th anniversary this year, we really want to focus on our love of movies, because the silver screen is largely responsible for keeping us around. I don't mean that as a euphemism, I am sincere when I say the darkness had gotten me so down that I contemplated the unthinkable, and it was the magic of the movies that stopped me. The thought of the upcoming Dune Part 2. Or discovering another wonderful surprise like The Holdovers. Or wondering if Marvel could right the MCU ship. And the thought of NOT being here for those and so many other things...
Well, we're still here. We are narrowing in on 3900 reviews in text, audio and video format posted on our Letterboxd page. (Click HERE to see them all!) We are gearing up for the Oscars. We are energized, and refuse to be defeated by a silly thing like a chemical imbalance. We are behind in our postings, but we are posting. (Thanks to our Patreon members for their patience and for sticking with us.)
As always, thanks for all your support, we love you!
December 2023
This month marks our 7th Year Anniversary. Thank you one and all for believing in us and what we do!
We've surpassed 3800 reviews over on our Letterboxd page, with still more to come!
We've surpassed 3800 reviews over on our Letterboxd page, with still more to come!
September 2023
First thing's first. A HUGE thank you to our existing Patreon supporters. We could not do what we do without you. Yes, we know we're behind posting some of your stuff, but rest assured we are making progress on the back log. Stick with us! And while we're talking finances, if you are just finding us, can we be so bold as to ask you to run over to our Patreon page and place a donation? Every little bit helps.
Spooky season has arrived! Looking forward to adding some more scary films to our watched list (but not too scary) #CountdownToHalloween.
Still running behind on posting reviews of all things we've seen, but they are coming, slowly but surely. We've now surpassed 3700 reviews on Letterboxd with still more to come.
We've been working on ways to retool our recording sessions to get people back on the couch and get some new episodic content created so this isn't JUST a review site. But coordinating schedules with multiple guests is a challenge to say the least. Stay tuned.
Taking the family to Disney World for a much anticipated vacation, so we might be absent for a bit from your feeds, but rest assured we'll be back with a vengeance upon our return.
Spooky season has arrived! Looking forward to adding some more scary films to our watched list (but not too scary) #CountdownToHalloween.
Still running behind on posting reviews of all things we've seen, but they are coming, slowly but surely. We've now surpassed 3700 reviews on Letterboxd with still more to come.
We've been working on ways to retool our recording sessions to get people back on the couch and get some new episodic content created so this isn't JUST a review site. But coordinating schedules with multiple guests is a challenge to say the least. Stay tuned.
Taking the family to Disney World for a much anticipated vacation, so we might be absent for a bit from your feeds, but rest assured we'll be back with a vengeance upon our return.
June 2023
The HUGE backlog of reviews is slowly being whittled down, and while we are still behind, we are working on them! Our apologies to our Patreon supporters for the delays. We hope you'll continue to be patient with us as we get em out.
We have now surpassed 3600 reviews in video, audio and text format with so many more to come. You can find those over on our Letterboxd page. Click HERE. The Blog of Eternal Stench is live and has audio content available, you can find those on the blog page or over on Spotify. And the big news of the month is that we have (to be honest, somewhat reluctantly) joined the TikTok revolution. We don't have much planned in the way of exclusive stuff, (yet) its just another way for you to find us. Scan the QR Code to follow us! As always, thank you for your support, and please, be kind to one another. |
Our Mission Statement
It's very much envogue right now to hate things we love. Star Wars, DC, Disney. You can almost tell how big a fan of something someone is by how much venom they spit all over it. Don't get us wrong, some of it--okay, maybe a lot of it--is very much deserved.
But we wanted to focus on the good. We want to talk about movies because we love movies. Life is too short to hate everything, so lets focus on the great stuff we do have. |
How We Started |
All Are Welcome |
Everybody has that group of friends that you hang out with and talk movies with and then you get up to leave and somebody asks something and you stand around and discuss that for another two hours right? We we basically thought it would be cool to record those conversations.
We might put on a good show of being elitist, (oh, who are we kidding? We are.) But all are welcome here. And your feedback is always welcome, whether you agree with us or don't. Please feel free to contact our ever growing list of contributors directly or through the contact page here to voice your thoughts!